Jakarta (ANTARA News) – The DKI Jakarta Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) approved the DKI Jakarta Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) for the 2014 Fiscal Year (FY) amounting to IDR 72 trillion.
The 2014 DKI APBD, which has been ratified as a Regional Regulation (Perda) for the 2014 DKI APBD, consists of regional revenues of IDR 64.7 trillion and regional financing of IDR 167 billion.
"After the approval of the Regional Regulation, the next Draft Governor's Regulation (Rapergub) regarding the elaboration of the 2014 APBD will immediately be prepared by the executive," said DKI Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Plenary Meeting for the Determination of the 2014 DKI APBD at the DPRD Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday .
Then, he continued, after being drafted, the Rapergub will immediately be submitted to the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) for further evaluation.
The 2014 DKI APBD value increased by IDR 21.9 trillion from the 2013 Revised DKI APBD value of IDR 50.1 trillion, or an increase of 43.7 percent. The use of the 2014 DKI APBD will be allocated for regional expenditure amounting to
IDR 64.8 trillion and regional financing expenditure of IDR 7.1 trillion.
Meanwhile, Deputy Chair of the DKI DPRD and Deputy Chair of the DKI DPRD Budget Agency (Banggar) Triwisaksana said that the 2014 DKI APBD was prepared based on 2014 economic growth projections.
"This year's economic growth projection is predicted to be around 6.1 to 6.5 percent. "Apart from that, it can also be seen from the inflation projections in Jakarta which are estimated to be around five to six percent," he said.
Regional financing of IDR 167 billion was obtained from financing receipts of IDR 7.2 trillion, then reduced by the total financing expenditure budget of IDR 7.1 trillion.
Total financing receipts amounting to IDR 7.2 trillion came from Surplus
The 2013 DKI APBD Budget Calculation (SiLPA) amounted to IDR 7 trillion and the Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative (JEDI) loan which had not been absorbed amounted to IDR 269.4 billion.
Meanwhile, financing expenditure of IDR 7.1 trillion will be allocated for
Government Capital Participation (PMP) or investment for a number of DKI BUMDs amounted to IDR 7.1 trillion and principal debt payments amounted to IDR 9.3 billion. (*)
Editor: Ruslan Burhani