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[KOMPAS] Poor Children Have Difficulty Accessing Quality Schools

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Executive Director of Article 33 Indonesia Santoso (center) explained research on access to education for poor students in quality schools. COMPASS/ESTER LINCE NAPITUPULU


JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Universal access to education is increasingly open to poor people. However, children from poor families are only able to access schools of average quality, even below standard.

This was revealed in the Public Discussion "Quality Education for Whom? Study on Poor Communities' Access to Quality Education" in Jakarta, Tuesday (9/5). This research was carried out by the research institute for social change Article 33 in collaboration with the Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) Program.

Executive Director of Article 33 Indonesia Santoso said this study was to see where poor people went to school. Research was conducted in the cities of Bogor, Malang and Makassar. "So far, government programs have been more about ensuring poor students have access to education. "In the future, it must also be ensured that poor students have greater opportunities to access good quality schools," said Santoso.

KSI representative Hans Antlov said that improving education must be carried out seriously from the basic education level. "We encourage the Indonesian government to make policies based on research and analysis. "This research can be input for improving policies that are pro-poor," said Hans. (ELN)