Article 33 Indonesia together with the Coordinating Ministry for PMK and FES organized Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme "Study of Regional Cooperation Development Based on Local Superior Potential to Support Economic Recovery from the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic". This FGD is intended as a deepening of the analytical study to obtain input from various sources stakeholders related to the development of the Lake Toba DPSP area through superior potential in each region. Apart from that, this FGD will provide an overview of the development of the DPSP area to the local government in the Lake Toba DPSP area through the superior potential in each region. This agenda was held online on Tuesday (20/12/2022) presenting speakers from Nailul Huda, Salsa Kusumawardani, and Abdurrahman Harits as Article 33 Indonesia Research Team, Ir. Mustikorini Indrijatiningrum, M.E as Assistant Deputy for Regional Empowerment and Spatial Mobility, KemenkoPMK, Aryani Septenti Kartini as a representative of BAPPEDA Sumatra Province North, And Mariana Simanjuntak as a representative of Del Institute of Technology.
Executive Director of Article 33 Indonesia, Santoso said that Article 33 Indonesia has carried out quantitative and qualitative studies regarding leading sectors in the superior tourism area of Lake Toba. Article 33 Indonesia is trying to explore what sectors have the potential to be developed in the future and are expected to contribute to improving the welfare of Lake Toba and North Sumatra in general. It is hoped that what Article 33 Indonesia is doing will not only be a study, but will become superior programs in North Sumatra, especially in the context of ensuring that MSMEs in North Sumatra can be empowered. Therefore, there must be concrete follow-up from regional government, OPD, private sector and so on in subsequent activities, and not just stop here.
In Nailul Huda's presentation from the Article 33 Indonesia Research Team in the FGD, he revealed the results of the analysis of linkages between sectors and regions and the results of the investment strategy analysis, and the results of the analysis of economic potential through MSMEs in three districts, namely Simalungun Regency, Toba Regency and Samosir Regency. The results of the analysis of inter-sector linkages show that in the provision of input to the tourism sector in North Sumatra, it turns out that food and drink provision services are a sector that is mostly provided by economic activities outside the province. Meanwhile, the key sectors in North Sumatra Province are the food and beverage industry, paper industry, rubber industry, basic metal industry, transportation equipment industry, electricity, land transportation and warehousing. In terms of inter-regional linkages, North Sumatra Province is a key province for national economic growth. This is because North Sumatra Province is able to absorb input from other provinces at a higher rate, and is able to produce input for other provinces.
Analysis Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR) carried out by the Article 33 Indonesia research team, found that for investment needs in these three districts, to reach at least 5.09 percent of investment needs in Samosir Regency was 766 billion, then in Simalungun Regency it was at least 13 trillion. Meanwhile, Toba Regency's investment needs are 2 trillion. With additional investment in these three districts, the impact on National GDP is an increase in GDP of IDR. 3.2 Trillion. Meanwhile, North Sumatra's GRDP increased by IDR. 2.8 Trillion.
In general, the results of the analysis of economic potential through MSMEs in the three districts presented by Salsa and Harits have the potential to develop digitalization of MSMEs and BUMDes, but still need a lot of strengthening. Apart from that, the momentum of major tourism events can be a turning point to encourage the digitalization of MSMEs, but it should also not be a reason for income dependence. Then, digitalization training and product quality improvement must continue to be carried out on an ongoing basis. Then, the pattern of cooperation between MSMEs and large businesses requires better interconnection and direct intervention from local governments. In running a business, the resource person chooses to use capital that comes from personal funds and relationships, and most of the business is in providing food and drink as well as tourism souvenirs. Finally, the obstacles to economic digitalization for MSMEs mainly come from the availability of digitally capable human resources.
Ir. Mustikorini Indrijatiningrum, ME as Assistant Deputy for Regional Development and Spatial Mobility of the Coordinating Ministry for PMK, who responded to the presentation of the findings of Article 33 Indonesia with a discussion of "Regional Empowerment in the Context of Developing Superior Potential", stated that collaboration is important in developing the local economy and developing existing superior potential. village. So, the government, academics, business world, community and media must all move and it cannot be just one of them. We need a comprehensive collaboration for everyone related to the local economy of superior products in North Sumatra and Lake Toba. Apart from that, the relationship between what is the focus of the government must receive support from the industrial world. For example, there are crafts or coffee products in Parbaba, how can they be marketed. Of course you need a marketing agent or off-taker or partners. This kind of thing can have a broad impact on the region to advance the economy and superior regional products.
Mustikorini also hopes that the world of academics or universities will be able to carry out research, innovation and provide assistance to the community. Plus, communities in society can also be utilized in building this economic ecosystem. Then, the use of communication media in tourism becomes an important thing for product marketing and improving regional economic excellence, such as digitalization of product marketing which can provide multiplier effect broad. It should not be overlooked, there are criteria that must be met in developing superior regional products, namely that they can provide opportunities for employment, economic contribution, regional base sectors, can be renewed, and more importantly local wisdom and market availability. So, the development of this superior product is not only on the upstream side, but also downstream.
The presentation and response from the North Sumatra Province Bappeda, represented by Aryani Septenti Kartini, tried to discuss "Opportunities for Tourism Development in the Lake Toba DPSP" which explained that the Lake Toba DPSP had obstacles in developing its tourism, namely land ownership status. clean And clear, because there are still intersections with state land and customary land. Then, there are environmental issues, especially the risk of fire disasters, deforestation and a decline in the water quality of Lake Toba. Then, there is still a lack of quality and quantity of tourism human resources, because basic The livelihood of the people around Lake Toba is agriculture. Lastly, there is still less than optimal coordination between stakeholders, both central and regional governments.
North Sumatra Bappeda has also carried out synergy and collaboration between stakeholders such as collaborating with academics, communities and the media. Communities include BUMDes, Pokdarwis and Karang Taruna. In government activities, especially in tourism awareness training, Pokdarwis are involved. What we need to strengthen are BUMDes and Karang Taruna, we need it local champion in development, especially tourist villages. Apart from that, business partnerships with ASITA and PHRI and for supporting digital marketscan collaborate with marketplaces. Academics who have collaborated include the University of North Sumatra, Poltekpar and Private Universities, but not yet with local universities around Lake Toba.
Responders to the initial findings of Article 33 Indonesia, who came from academics, represented by Mariana Simanjuntak from the Del Institute of Technology, expressed several additions related to disagreement that the livelihood of the people of Lake Toba was agriculture. Geographically, the Lake Toba area still has a lot of empty land, and the agricultural harvest is only once a year. Supposedly, the livelihood of the people of Lake Toba is fishing. However, today's people cannot really make a living from fishing because fish resources are decreasing and water resources are also decreasing in Lake Toba. Although, the Simalungun Regency area is the best among the other two districts regarding agricultural management and MSMEs.
Mariana revealed that digital access for MSMEs is indeed limited, the data attached by Article 33 Indonesia regarding the use of digital access of 52% is indeed correct. However, people's digital habits are considered still ambiguous or still trying. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced society to digitalize. In addition, there is the F1 H20 in Balige which is big event world class, it is considered that the area is not yet able to accommodate the transportation and infrastructure that exists now, especially since everything has to be prepared within the last 3 months. Mariana considers that what must be prepared in this implementation is an approach that embraces the community (family by family), and the government does not just point fingers stakeholders which is close to the location. Apart from that, academics and universities in North Sumatra can be involved like students to help digitize the good things in the Lake Toba DPSP and collaborate with the Lake Toba DPSP government. The education sector from kindergarten and high school must also be involved and prepared to welcome guests and sell the Lake Toba destination.
The tourism philosophy of the Lake Toba destination must involve psychology, sociology, economics, geography and science, and have a holistic approach such as: Competitiveness Diamond where as a resource provided by the destination, everyone is invited to contribute to the growth and development of tourism. Then, this equality means that the Lake Toba destination needs to promote equality among all parties. Then, provide equal opportunities to use and access the destination. Therefore, the future promised by Mariana is to focus on the capacity to continue the global ecosystem, an ecosystem that is a popular tourist destination. Then, improve people's standard of living such as life expectancy, education, and opportunities to achieve a bright future. Then, promote the sustainable use of renewable natural resources. Then, there are technology-based solutions to environmental problems. Lastly, there is a global partnership to facilitate development policies.
This FGD activity was attended by representatives from various institutions, including government institutions, private institutions, universities, non-governmental organizations and MSMEs. Among them, KemenkoPMK, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Bappeda North Sumatra Province and the three districts, Disparbud, Disperindag, KADIN, IT Del, University of North Sumatra, MSME actors, PMD Service, PHRI, and Pokdarwis.
Author: Rachmat Satya