Article 33 Indonesia organizes knowledge circulation activities regarding Impact Evaluation to share knowledge with Article 33 Indonesia colleagues. This activity is carried out independently hybrid on Wednesday (14/12/2022), and filled by speakers from the Article 33 research team, namely Salsabila Kusumawardani and Ciro Danuza who participated in the conference Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) in Lombok and attended training on Impact Evaluation.
In this knowledge circulation, the presenter explains the discussion regarding program evaluation components and connects the theory of change to the program evaluation cycle. This material on program evaluation components also discusses the comparison between monitoring and impact evaluation. Monitoring (monitoring) is a measure of progress towards goals, but does not provide information about achievement or impact. Meanwhile, evaluation (evaluation) is a measure of whether progress towards goals is due to intervention and causality. This monitoring and evaluation also has different durations, monitoring needs to be continuous or routine. Meanwhile, evaluations have a time limit or are not routine.
Program evaluation has three major component parts, namely Conceptualization, Implementation, And Program Evaluation. In the first stage, conceptualization and design it carries out the assessment needs, identification of target populations, specification of goals and objectives, and program design. Second stage, program implementation it consists of input, activities, and output. Third phase, program assessment consisting of results, impact, and cost effectiveness analysis. Of the three major components, each component has a different "question":
Needs Assessment | What is the problem? |
Preparation of a Theory of Change | How, in theory, can the program solve the problem? |
Process Evaluation | Is the program running according to design and implementation protocols? |
Impact Evaluation | Were the program objectives successfully achieved? How is the coverage? |
Cost Effectiveness | Looking at the coverage and costs, how does it compare to other alternatives? |
In addition, in the process of optimizing the process monitoring and evaluation. Theory of Change can be a tool for reflecting on achievements in programs with targeted goals. To achieve the goals of the program there is a process such as when input produce output, then there should be changes that lead to intermediate results which ultimately contributes to its achievement objective. Inputs are resources used to carry out main programs and activities. Whereas, output are concrete results that can be seen immediately after the main program activities are carried out. So, intermediate results is a change in behavior that occurs in the short term, which will encourage the achievement of goals. Finally, objectives are the main results expected from the program.
The explanation presented by the presenter is a basic overview of impact evaluation, supporting components, and theory of change. Thus, this understanding becomes the basic basis for Article 33 Indonesia colleagues in understanding the concept of impact evaluation and theory of change in more detail and implementing it in program design and sustainability and having an impact on the targets that have been determined. [RSN]