“Synergy in Diversity” is the theme of the mid-year reflection activities carried out by the Management Team and the Implementation Team which are part of the program Type III Self-Management Article 33 Indonesia together with Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Elementary and Secondary Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. The activity carried out for one full day aims to jointly reflect on the implementation of the program, explore the obstacles faced, and strengthen good relations, coordination functions and good cooperation between Implementation Team with Article 33 Indonesia Management Team.

On this occasion, the Management Team and the Implementation Team participated in a number of games, such as motivational games, strategic games, problem solving, And team challenge to create an environment that support increased synergy, build interpersonal relationships the stronger one, improve communication, as well as develop teamwork better in the future.
Since 2023, the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Elementary and Secondary Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology has collaborated with Article 33 Indonesia in providing support for the management of the Education Transformation Program. Program management is implemented through a Type III Self-Management cooperation mechanism, which is a type of collaborative program management between the government and community organizations.
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