Work A33Type III Self-ManagementDirectorate General of GTK, Ministry of Education and CultureType III Self-Management

Mid-Year Reflection on the Implementation of the Type III Self-Management Program of the Directorate General of Teachers and Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology

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Since 2021, Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel (Ditjen GTK), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology) has collaborated with Article 33 Indonesia in management of strategic program support through the Type III Self-Management mechanism, which is a type of collaborative program management between the government and community organizations (ormas).

In carrying out this cooperation, Article 33 Indonesia formed a Management Team to provide support in human resource management, activity management and budget management, and continuously carry out communication and coordination functions with the Implementation Team that works closely in the Working Group (Pokja) in each directorate in the Directorate General of GTK. The Management Team and the Implementation Team work together and share roles in carrying out various activities to achieve the overall objectives of the program implementation as expected. 

On July 23, 2024, the Mid-Year Reflection activity for the Implementation of the Type III Self-Management Program of the Directorate General of Teachers and Education was carried out. The aim of this activity is to collectively reflect on the overall implementation of the program over the past seven months. (January—July 2024), so as to obtain an overview of good practices that can be implemented in the remaining five-month program. In addition, this activity also aims to strengthen the coordination and cooperation function between the Implementation Team and the Management Team. 

The activity was held at the Holiday Inn and Suites Gajah Mada Hotel for one full day by inviting an Implementation Team of 110 people and a Management Team of 13 people.

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