Work A33EducationTanoto Foundation

Revealing Good Practices and Learning Lessons in the Transformation of Pre-Service Teacher Professional Education (PPG) in Indonesia

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Indonesia is estimated to experience a shortage of 1.3 million teachers in 2024 (Kemendikbudristek, 2023). The decreasing supply of teachers is caused by several things, one of which is the increasing number of retired teachers. This figure is very crucial considering that teachers are the spearhead of education to educate the lives of the nation's young people. Currently, efforts continue to be made to improve teacher competency. Thus, improving the quality of teachers who are already teaching must be accompanied by thorough preparation for prospective teachers who will teach in the future. The Pre-Service PPG Program is presented as a solution by forming teachers as lifelong learners by mastering pedagogical, social, professional and personality competencies. In this way, they can become competent teachers, able to adapt to change, and continue learning throughout their lives. Through this program, it is hoped that a generation of high-quality teachers will be born who are ready to face the challenges of education in Indonesia.

Entire story of change/Stories of changes in the implementation of Pre-Service PPG were collected and compiled into one book that reveals good learning practices in the transformation of Pre-Service PPG. These good practices were collected by involving four Educator and Education Personnel Institutions (LPTK), including Medan State University, Indonesian Education University, Yogyakarta State University, and Surabaya State University. Data was obtained through qualitative methods carried out using focused group discussions, involving various parties ranging from students, civil service teachers, LPTK managers, instructors or field supervisors, to policy makers.

As for some key findings shows that the centralized management of Pre-Service PPG is able to provide space for transformation, although coordination between regional governments still needs to be improved. Then, the great potential of LMS technology and digital instruments can build a community of practice that supports the success of the mentoring provided. However, professional training for educators is considered to still need to be improved even though the curriculum and professionalism of lecturers and tutors are considered to be quite good.

Even though the implementation of the Pre-Service PPG is considered to be quite good for various parties, there are still important aspects that need to be improved. 

First, alignment of program planning and implementation at the central level, LPTK and partner schools is important. Apart from that, an initiative is needed to form a forum involving the Central Government, Regional Government and LPTK to map the formation and capacity of Regional Governments to appoint Pre-Service PPG graduates.

Second, utilization Ed-Tech can continue as technology develops So, teachers and PPG organizers also need to continue to develop themselves, in line with the importance of mentoring beyond provision or equalizing perceptions at the start.

Third, professional improvement programs through mentoring for lecturers and tutors need to be optimized to support the achievements of Pre-Service PPG.

Insights into how to improve program management and provide better education for prospective teachers are important for all LPTKs. This study also underlines the important role of government in formulating more effective policies for the management and development of educational personnel.  In this way, the opportunity to develop strong pedagogical competencies and gain valuable practical experience before becoming a teacher is wide open for students. 

It is hoped that this book of stories of change, compiled by the Article 33 Indonesia Research Team with the support of the Tanoto Foundation, can be an effective tool in advancing, providing new insights and encouraging innovation in the Pre-Service PPG program in Indonesia. With all the improvements and careful calculations going forward, PPG Pre-Service is expected to become a catalyst for prospective teachers, illuminating their path in transformation in the world of education and raising enthusiasm for improving the quality of education in Indonesia. 

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