JAKARTA, KOMPAS — The condition of people with disabilities who have limitations makes the welfare of this group lower than other groups. In fact, when people with disabilities are given access to health, education and employment, their level of welfare will increase.
To improve access for people with disabilities; availability, completeness and validation of data on persons with disabilities is important. Therefore, re-collection of data can be carried out by local governments so that valid data is obtained according to field conditions.
These are the results of the study by the Article 33 Indonesia Team which was presented at the Development Study Forum Public Discussion "Increased Access, Improved Welfare", Study of Access for Persons with Disabilities to Public Services and Their Spatial Impact, Thursday (30/9/2021) online. This study was carried out because the number of people with disabilities is high, there is a lack of access, and the poor living conditions of people with disabilities in Indonesia.
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